Friday, June 09, 2006

Here I Am To Save The Day

Mild mannered college student by day, and socially conscious pizza guy by night, Cameron Evans a.k.a. "Luke Pie Rocker" sprang into action on the streets of Minneapolis Tuesday to rescue a damsel in distress from a would be purse snatcher. It just so happens that the standard uniform at Galactic Pizza includes orange tights, black boots and a cape. With the scoundrel cornered, and the purse returned the shaken but relieved victim was overheard saying, "I'm so thankful...He's my hero!"

Read the whole story here.


Sophia said...

That is hilarious!!!

Heather said...

That is awesome! He certainly deserved quite the tip for that delivery! :)
Thanks for making my Friday

Nikki said...

Who ever thought up that uniform aught to be shot.

Attila the Mom said...

Yikes! I hope they get paid more than minimum wage to dress up in that outfit!

Meg said...

He stole my outfit! That *^#%*!! I was the one who patented the orange tights and cape look! Now I'm gonna have to change my whole style...