Monday, September 03, 2007

You're How Old?

Today is my birthday. Am I supposed to feel different?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, you're supposed to feel Conservative...

OneEar said...

If you can feel anything on your birthday, you're not doing it right.

-John Lustig said...

at least you don't have to limit your driving speed to equal your age...

Attila the Mom said...

woot woot!

I didn't feel any different. Except when I opened my mouth my mom fell out.

Happy day!

Sophia said...

Happy belated birthday!

So, how DOES it feel?

sissy said...

All the cool kids are 40 now. Didn't you hear?
Welcome to cool.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

Happy birthday! (Are you still only 40? I know it's been a few days.)

I think you're supposed to feel like a grown up, but I never quite got the hang of it. When in doubt, punt.

Kim Ayres said...

I turned 40 last year, but have yet to notice much change. Mind you I was already in full midlife crisis mode by then so it didn't make a lot of difference.