Thursday, February 23, 2006

Separated at Birth

Do you ever have that feeling when you know someone looks like someone else but you just can't place it? That happened to me Wednesday night.

Kristin and I were watching American Idol (yes I watch American Idol and I'm proud of it) and as we were listening to male contestant Elliott Yamin sing Stevie Wonder's "If You Really Love Me" I kept thinking that he looked like someone but I couldn't place it. Keep in mind he was actually quite good. In fact Simon even said he might be the best male vocalist they have ever had. Nonetheless, while the judges-turned-commentators were giving their feedback, Elliott made a face that forced me to scream out, "OH, MY GOD, IT'S MAD DOG VACHON!"

For those who have never heard of Mad Dog Vachon he is an old-school rasslin' star from back in the day. He rassled in the AWA for several years and was one of a colorful cast of characters that included the Da Crusher, Dick the Brusier, Larry the Ax, Kenny the Sodbuster and our former Governor Jesse the Body. Mad Dog was know for biting, kicking, spitting and all manner of jackassery, in and out of the ring.

Here are pictures of both, you decide.

Elliot Yamin

Mad Dog Vachon


Meg said...

Oh yeah. I totally see the resemblance.

Anonymous said...

You pegged it, Sven.

The AWA was GREAT--I would go to their matches in Denver and I had a blast. Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, and a real goofball named Count Von something: phony German accent, shaved head, and ears bigger than Dumbo's.

All of that, of course, was back when pro 'rasslin was REAL.

Sven said...

You are referring to The Baron Von Rashcke. He was my favorite. Now he is a substitute teacher and a tour guide at the Minnesota Zoo. Here is his website:

Dat is all da people need to know!